Demo it for us!!

Welcome to Week 2 of the One Room Challenge, Spring 2024.

I recall a couple of years ago when a contractor told my husband he’ll demo a wall for us. My husband kept looking at him, as he expected a demo. You see ‘demo’ in the tech or the music world is ‘Demonstration,’ and not ‘Demolition.’ He and I made a ton of demo tapes when we were struggling in the music industry back home, and now we hold software demo sessions at work. We still laugh about ‘demoing’ the wall.

To all the DIYers out there, is demolition hard for you? I mean mentally hard? I think I can handle it physically, but to dent a wall or cut the caulking to remove a trim, gosh, I have a hard time doing it. And it isn’t getting any easier on me. I chickened out and decided to leave it to the professionals.

Last week I shared our guest room and what we are working with. Check out our Week 1 Insta reel!

To begin my grand plan, the closet wall needs to go. I love my spaces functional and minimal. A bed, desk, and a whole closet wall is too much for a guest room. If we execute it right, this space can be so much more functional, details of which, I share in the coming weeks.

This closet wall is the original builder wall. I first started out to learn if this was a load bearing wall or not. Is the closet header a beam? In a 2 storey home, I want to be extra sure this is not load bearing. After consulting a couple contractors and a designer friend, I decided to move forward with the demo.

We were surprised to see the closet header being a solid piece of wood, the size of a beam, and that’s when I couldn’t sleep over that weekend. I consulted yet other contractors and a structural engineering company over a virtual call, who helped deduce it in fact wasn’t a load bearing wall. Demolition did tear a chunk of the ceiling and I do not like the attention to detail of my current contractor. Hence, I decided to bring my favorite painting contractor, Scott of Freshcoats Painting, back. I love to work with people who obsess over details as much as I do.

The light from the window falls directly on the ceiling, and any patch job, if not done right, will be visible to anyone entering the room. Scott spotted that as he was entering the room. I was so relieved when he said that. I know it will be done with finesse now.

Now that the closet wall is behind us and the floor repaired, yet again by our amazing Flooring Contractor, we are moving on to our walls.

Watch our Week 2 Insta Reel!

More on our walls next week. Stay tuned!!!


Thank you for coming over and joining in to support us and all amazing participants at the Spring 2024 One Room Challenge.


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